Saturday, August 6, 2016

Following Tsa Rules Is A Travel Requirement

By Donald Green

The Transportation Security Administration, TSA, has very strict guidelines that must be followed if you want to get through check in at the airport with as little interruption as possible. They have these regulations for good reasons. Most of us have seen the news reports about the violence that sometimes occurs in mid-flight. Nobody wants to be on a plane when something like that happens. That is why it is so important to follow tsa rules exactly.

Many business people routinely fly as a part of their jobs. Most of them know exactly how to pack their luggage effectively, what is allowed to take on a plane and what is not, and how to maneuver themselves through the complicated lines that form at check in. People who only fly occasionally, are often unclear about what is required of a passenger.

For a number of years now, passengers have been required to remove their shoes and put them in the plastic bins to be screened. It just makes sense to wear shoes that come off easily and quickly. Nobody wants to be behind someone who has to sit on the floor to get complicated footwear off.

You do not have to wait until you get to your destination to purchase personal items like deodorant, shampoo and conditioner, or lotion. These items can be carried on board as long as they are in containers of specific size. Many groceries, drug stores and chain stores have a large selection of bottled toiletries that meet these requirements. You can always purchase empty plastic bottles and fill them yourself with what you need.

Prescribed medication is certainly allowed in your carry on baggage or in a purse or briefcase. If you have multiple medicine bottles, you should put everything into a clear plastic bag, as you should also do with personal hygiene items. Everything has to be screened, but if you have some concerns about a medication going through the x-ray machine, you can request that it be inspected manually.

Most people know that smoking is not permitted on an airplane, but some have questions about e cigarettes. There is no problem packing them in checked luggage, but whether or not you will be allowed to use one during a flight is something you need to talk to the airline about.

It should go without saying that you are not allowed to bring a weapon on the plane with you, but people try to do it all of the time. Every year the TSA confiscates thousand of banned items, and individuals still attempt to get them past security. This is illegal, and can end up costing you thousands of dollars in fines and possible prison time.

The airlines and the TSA want everyone to arrive at their individual destinations on time and with the least inconvenience necessary. You can help them do their jobs by following their regulations.

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